Unity Tutorial 05
Unity3D Tutorial
In this weeks Unity Tutorial 05, I learned how to make a skybox, wind, fade screens and how to generally improve the game environment.
The tutorial started by showing how to add a atmosphere or sky template to the game. I first opened the assets store and imported the sky assets. This was really fun because it gave me a lot of different assets to choose from. The next thing I was shown how to add wind zones, I added wind so that it would work with the Tree's.
Throughout the tutorial I was shown how to work with game objects and how to add game objects that can be interacted with. I also learned how to make a fade screen.
Towards the end of the tutorial I was shown how to fix bugs in the script and in Unity. The first bug I was told and shown to fix was a fake axe and cleaning up the bugs was a lot simpler than I initially thought it would be.
Following the tutorials can be really easy and simplistic but when I do make mistakes in Unity I find it a lot more rewarding to fix my own mistakes than have to research and look through videos.
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