Unity Tutorial 04

Unity Tutorial

Unity Tutorial 04

In this weeks tutorial I learned how to create Weapons, Weapon Clippings, Commanding The Weapon and creating a Dynamic HUD.

The first tutorial was simplistic and well thought out. It gave me a good grasp on writing scripts and using C# in a more efficient way. The only problem that I still have is wrapping my head around C# coding. Although it is easy because I have the tutorial, when I try and do some of my own coding I run into problems because it is a coding language I'm not familiar with. I have been using Codecademy to do some more work in my free time and I find it very helpful for some self-learning.

The Second and Third tutorial was all about attaching an axe to the first camera and using animations. The second tutorial was more so focused on creating an axe with animation whereas the third was to stop the constant rotation animation.

The tutorial was fun because it taught me about how to create weapons and I love the tutorials because they help me little bits along the way.


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